

There is no Best Weigh diet. There are too many diets already. Every weight loss diet will work if you follow it. Some diets are healthier than others. A few will make you sick. The worst thing about most diets is that you have to stop them at some point in time and then most people just go back to their old eating habits and gain back all the weight they just lost.

The key to long term weight loss is learning to eat so as to keep your weight off. The way you learn to eat in Best Weigh is the way you will eat for the rest of your life. Best Weigh starts you off eating less of everything you are currently eating. Week-by-week Best Weigh presents sound nutritional priciples backed up by scientific studies. In a small group you discuss, and then decide exactly what you will do in the next week to incorporate the lessons learned in the lecture.

Everyone in the group makes a different decision about what to change in their daily food choices. Week-by-week your food choices and portions become more healthful. Best Weigh is like a short post graduate course in nutrition. Topics covered include; fats, trans fats, cholesterol, sugars and other simple carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates and fiber, fruits and vegetables, protein foods, food supplements, and reading nutrition labels.